Getting the Most Out of AI in 2021: Insights From 10+ Industry Trailblazers

To say 2020 was tumultuous might even be an understatement. The global health crisis brought uncertainty and challenges to people and businesses throughout the year and the critical need for core concepts that have always been part of our DNA at Dataiku — such as collaboration, agility, and responsibility — reverberated across the data science community and reinforced their necessity

in 2021 and beyond.

While times of economic disruption and change impact many aspects of how organizations operate, they certainly have not diminished the impact AI is having (and will continue to have until it becomes completely ubiquitous). To help organizations continue to deftly pivot and keep pace in an ever-evolving world, we compiled qualitative commentary from a diverse range of experts — both from technical and non-technical roles — on key learnings from 2020, opportunities for 2021, barriers preventing AI adoption, notable use cases, and more.

It is our hope that this helpful feedback from industry trailblazers, Dataiku partners, and Dataiku in-house subject matter experts doesn’t just equip you with firsthand insights on what to anticipate in the new year. While still a goal, we also hope it helps humanize the trajectory of data science, machine learning, and AI so you can more effectively inform decisions, share knowledge, and accelerate your organization’s journey to Enterprise AI, from big-picture strategy to hands-on implementation.

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